Directions and Parking

Hourly Meter Parking
You can often find open metered spaces on First Street and Second Street, both north of Flandrau Science Center (see map for green "Hourly Meter Parking" areas). You can pay at credit/debit card pay stations. Plus, all metered spaces on campus are free after 5pm! Click here for more info on how to pay for parking meters. 

Garage Parking
You can find nearby garage parking any time at the Cherry Avenue Garage just south of Flandrau Science Center. Click here for most up-to-date information on hourly rates. We are unable to offer parking validation or free garage parking.

Handicap Parking
There are two paid handicap parking spaces behind our building (see map for light blue areas). Click here for more info on how to pay for parking meters. Additional spots are available after 5pm (see map for pink areas), but are UA Handicap Permit Only Monday - Friday, 7am to 5pm.

Getting to the Gem and Mineral Museum by Streetcar or Bus
We are one block south of the 2nd Street/Cherry Avenue streetcar stop.
If you need assistance with trip planning, or additional information on transfers, connecting routes, or times please visit the Tucson Streetcar website at

Routes 15, 9 and 20 of the Suntran Bus System stop directly across the street from Flandrau Science Center — your stop is the "UA Mall."
If you need assistance with trip planning, or additional information on transfers, connecting routes, or times please call the Sun Tran bus station at (520) 792-9222 or look at the system wide transit map online at
